
This site is intended as a platform for my thoughts and a location for publishing some of the work that I do.

My career in the information technology sphere now spans over 3 decades, having moved from one area of speciality to another. The one common theme across all my activities is scripting. This has been an invaluable tool in every situation, from DOS batch files in the early days to modern scripting tools I use today, like Perl, Javascript, Bash etc. Even HTML can be considered a form of scripting. It’s simply one thing I cannot do without, and the reason why I have documented some of it on this site.

I am currently heavily engaged in solution design and technical SEO analysis, not to provide SEO, but to assess it. I feel there are far too many ‘cowboys’ out there that are charging honest businesses for services they are unable to deliver, but can easily ‘gloss over’ the reasons why there is no measurable outcome.

I also provide technical solutions, mostly in terms of infrastructure and custom web platforms and applications. I do a lot of data collection and analysis, mostly around automotive markets. One of my personal projects has been to provide a market analysis tool for used motor vehicles. Check it out at my AutoFyre website.

Some of my areas of interest are:

  • Linux Solutions
  • OpenID and other authentication
  • Identity and Authorization Management
  • Security and reliability technologies
  • Web solutions
  • Linux scripting and data collection mechanisms.
  • Windows® infrastructure and solution design
  • Windows® command scripting
  • HTML, Perl, PHP and related technologies
  • A few others that are only worth mentioning when I have content available

Currently within this site you will find:

  • Information, tutorials and examples of advanced Windows® command line scripting
  • Blogs and general notes on Linux, things I have discovered on my path to Linification
  • Occasional other points of interest

The tutorials and examples on this site are intended to enlighten and assist people wanting to use Windows command line scripts for automation and administration in the dark world known as ‘IT’. The examples are not intended to be ‘turnkey’ solutions, merely a starter or reference for providing enhanced functionality in your Windows based environment without needing 3rd party tools or expensive programmers. Most of the items have been formulated out of pure frustration with the general ‘way of doing things’, not willing to give up functionality and simplicity for GUI’s sake.


I host this site because I believe in the sharing of knowledge. Much of what I know has been gained from sites like this, hosted by people that have been prepared to share their knowledge with others. I hope that you find the information on the site useful. If all I do is offer some idea of what is possible and what can be achieved, then I have been successful in my intentions.

Happy browsing. Any comments can be sent via the contact page or in the comment boxes.